This year marks the golden jubilee of my life. After a few close shaves in the just ended decade of my life, I can but only be truly thankful for the mercies I have been accorded. Firstly I am thankful to God who gave me the parents I had. I never had a choice in this matter, but wow, could I have wished for better! They tried their best to teach me to be God fearing, humble, and hardworking. In the midst of scarcity, they accorded me an education to die for. If I did fall short, it was not for lack of trying. Daddy (RIP) and Mummy thank you.
Secondly I am grateful for the family that God has given me …. a woman of spirit and seven dashing hunks/ladies. What more could I have asked for? I am truly grateful that all of you have embraced education, for like my own Pop always said, I too have nothing to give beyond an education. Thinking of your achievements makes me smile. Your education is for life, and again I am truly grateful, I didn’t buy you peanuts.
Third, I am grateful for the friends I have made and lost. You could have been my brothers and sisters by chance, but you are friends by choice. Many have given me a leg up, counseled me, and lent a shoulder to lean on. From you I have learnt hedonism, spiritualism and wisdom. And what can one be without being worldly wise? One must know the ways of the world to know the difference between right and wrong, black and white, grey and blue. At fifty, naïve I cannot be called, and I can give, as good as I get. I have given a quarter for every inch I got. You have been wonderful friends. Thank ye for these presents. If I lost you through life’s journey, that’s the way the dice rolled, or you were probably not worth it.
Fourth, I am truly grateful for the life I have led in this world. Any world statistics compendium will tell you why. Who am I to have been so immensely privileged? To have been exposed to the delights of philosophy and logic when others cannot afford a meal a day? Indeed, for all its sham, drudgery and tribulations, it has been a wonderful journey, and as I go forth into my sixth decade, I ask thee Lord to show me wisdom, protect me from arrogance and show me my ultimate purpose for living ….